Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Katy Perry Dihamili John Mayer?

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 08:45 AM PDT

Katy Perry (Foto: wenn)

LOS ANGELES- Katy Perry dikabarkan membeli alat tes kehamilan. Mantan istri Russell Brand itu takut hubungannya dengan John Mayer berbuah menjadi kehamilan.

"Katy tiba-tiba saja dilanda kepanikan dan ketakutan dia hamil. Dia ingin menjalani tes kehamilan untuk menenangkan pikirannya," ujar seorang sumber seperti dikutip dari Digitalspy, Jumat (7/9/2012).

Katy dan John Mayer santer terdengar menjalani hubungan spesial setelah beberapa kali kepergok makan malam bersama dan bergandengan tangan di sebuah acara. Namun, Katy tak mau kebablasan dari hubungannya dengan John. Pelantun "Firework" itu sebisa mungkin menghindari kehamilan.

Penyanyi 27 tahun itu memang selalu menghindari kehamilan karena takut akan mengganggu karier bernyanyinya. Bahkan, keengganan Katy memiliki anak sempat disebut sebagai penyebab perceraiannya dengan Russell Brand.

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Biar Tambah Terlihat Jahat, Fitri Ayu Sulam Alis

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 08:43 AM PDT

Fitri Ayu (Foto: Rama/Okezone)

JAKARTA- Nama Fitri Ayu dikenal sebagai seorang pesinetron yang kerap memerankan tokoh antagonis di beberapa sinetron. Bahkan, demi mendalami perannya itu ia rela melakukan perubahan pada bagian tubuhnya dengan sulam alis.

"Sulam alis ini buat mempertegas karakter aku untuk main antagonis biar kelihatan benar-benar jahat," ucap Fitri ditemui di Salon Ester Chan, Grogol, Jakarta Barat, Jumat (7/9/2012)

Tak hanya untuk mendalami peran jahatnya, hal itu dia lakukan untuk mempermudahnya dalam berdandan sebelum syuting.  Menurutnya, bentuk alis juga sangat mempengaruhi karakternya dalam berperan.

"Sekarang mulai jadi tren memang. Jadi lebih simpel enggak perlu touch up alis karena aku orangnya cuek enggak suka dandan. Pengaruh banget sama karakter muka aku," tukasnya.

Mengenai dirinya yang lebih sering memerankan tokoh jahat, gadis kelahiran 20 Juni 1985 ini mengaku sangat suka peran antagonis. Pasalnya, peran tersebut tak mengharuskannya berpanas-panasan.

"So far sih aku lebih nyaman peran jahat, protagonis syutingnya jadi orang susah melulu, panas-panasan. Kalau antagonis enak. Biasanya jadi orang kaya melulu, enggak perlu berkeringat," tandasnya.

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Hamil, Ayu Dewi Dilarang Suami Loncat-Loncat

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 08:41 AM PDT

Ayu Dewi (Foto: Rama/Okezone)

JAKARTA – Ayu Dewi mengaku tidak pernah membatasi gerakannya, meski saat ini tengah mengandung anak dari pernikahannya dengan Regi Datau.

"Lebih hati-hati, enggak juga. Kalau disuruh jangan banyak gerak, enggak juga. Dari dulu saya memang orangnya aktif, jadi saya sekarang enggak dikurang-kurangi, saya juga kepengin bayi saya nantinya juga aktif," kata Ayu saat ditemui di Studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Jumat (7/9/2012).

Ayu juga enggan mengurangi aktivitasnya meski sedang berbadan dua. Baginya, kehamilan bukan suatu masalah, sehingga tidak perlu mengurangi kegiatan.

"Enggak sih. Selama saya bisa dan selama saya mampu, saya akan lakukan," imbuhnya.

Namun, sang suami selalu memperingati Ayu untuk tidak banyak gerak, serta melarangnya meloncat. Menurut Ayu, komplain dari suami merupakan bagian dari rasa sayang untuknya.

"Suami saya itu bawel kalau nyuruh minum vitamin. Terus, dia suka memperingati saya jangan banyak loncat. Tapi baiklah maksudnya," tutupnya.

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Robbie Williams Menyesal Tak Punya Video Porno

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 08:40 AM PDT

Robbie Williams (Foto: Ist)

LOS ANGELES - Robbie Williams mengaku sangat menyesal lantaran selalu gagal saat membuat video seks. Bahkan, dia ingin kembali ke masa lalu hanya untuk mewujudkan impiannya itu.

Mantan personel Take That ini sempat membuat video porno beberapa kali. Namun, dia tak pernah mendapat hasil yang memuaskan.

"Aku pernah beberapa kali membuat video seks. Ini melibatkan jumlah kokain yang banyak, dan bermain dengan tali," ungkap Robbie.

Sementara itu, Robbie mengungkapkan sangat cemas menjelang kelahiran anak pertamanya. Rencananya, sang istri, Ayda, akan melahirkan buah hati mereka dalam beberapa pekan mendatang.

"Aku sangat tenang di awal, kemudian aku berhenti merokok. Aku tak tahu apakah nikotin meninggalkan sistem dalam tubuhku, tapi aku mulai merasa cemas," tutupnya, seperti dilansir dari The Sun, Jumat (7/9/2012).

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Serius Berpolitik, Camelia Malik Ogah Jadi Anggota DPR

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 08:39 AM PDT

Camelia Malik (Foto: Okezone)

JAKARTA- Sukses di dunia keartisan, Camelia Malik mulai memantapkan diri untuk terjun ke dunia politik dengan bergabung ke partai politik. Namun, Camelia tak mau menjadi anggota DPR.

"Saya serius banget. Dari dulu saya itu sudah menjadi pengurus Patriot, sebelumnya saya di pengurusan Pemuda Pancasila," kata Camelia di Jakarta, Jumat (7/8/2012).

Banyak alasan kenapa dirinya tidak ingin terlalu jauh melangkah di dunia politik. Namun, hal itu tidak menurunkan semangatnya untuk tetap konsisten demi meraih perubahan yang lebih baik.

"Enggak, saya enggak tertarik jadi anggota dewan. Saya hanya menjadi pengurus di partai patriot saja, dan enggak niat untuk jadi anggota dewan. Saya fokus di kepengurusan saja dan dunia keartisan saya saja," tandasnya.

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Brad Pitt Belum Pastikan Tanggal Pernikahan

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 08:37 AM PDT

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt (Foto: Hollyscoop)

LOS ANGELES - Brad Pitt mengaku belum memastikan tanggal pernikahannya dengan Angelina Jolie. Padahal, mereka telah bertunangan, beberapa waktu lalu.

Ayah enam anak ini juga membantah akan menggelar pesta pernikahan di Prancis, dalam waktu dekat. Namun, Pitt memastikan keduanya berencana membina rumah tangga.

"Tidak ada rencana dalam waktu dekat. Selain itu, kami akan melakukannya (menikah)," ungkapnya.

Hal tersebut diungkapkan ketika menghadiri peluncuran film terbarunya, Killing Them Softly. Film ini diadaptasi dari sebuah novel karangan George V. Higgins, Cogan's Trade.

Pitt berperan sebagai seorang penegak hukum bernama Jackie Cogan, yang melakukan penyelidikan kasus pencurian. Killing Them Softly juga diramaikan oleh sejumlah artis Hollywood, di antaranya Richard Jenkins dan James Gandolfini. Demikian seperti dilansir Femalefirst, Jumat (7/9/2012).

Meski film ini bergenre action, dia berharap anak-anaknya dapat menyaksikan aksi heroik sang ayah ketika telah beranjak dewasa. Pitt bahkan mengaku ingin bermain dalam jenis film yang disukai keenam anaknya.

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Anak-Anak Tom Cruise Benci Nicole Kidman karena Scientology?

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 08:35 AM PDT

Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman & anak-anak (Foto: Ist)

LOS ANGELES - Dua anak angkat Tom Cruise dan Nicole Kidman, Conor dan Isabella, ternyata mengaku sangat membenci artis cantik itu. Hal tersebut merupakan imbas pengaruh buruk yang diberikan Scientology.

Tom dan Nicole bercerai pada 2001, saat usia Conor masih enam tahun, dan Isabella delapan tahun. Scientology dengan mudah membuat mereka membenci artis asal Australia itu, lantaran keduanya tinggal bersama Tom.

Mereka meminta Conor dan Isabella berhenti bertemu Nicole. Menurut bekas penganut Scientology, dia merupakan sosok yang paling dibenci oleh mereka.

"Mereka (Scientology) menolak Nicole. Mereka menginstruksikannya. Bella dan Connor berbisik kepadaku, 'J.B., Nicole adalah sumber masalah. Ibu kami adalah sumber masalah. Kami benci pergi dan melihatnya'," ungkap bekas penganut Scientology, John Brousseau.

Dia bahkan mengatakan, semua pengikut dilarang melihat film yang dibintangi Nicole.

"Penganut Scientlogy di dunia membenci Nicole. Semua orang diperintahkan untuk menonton semua film Tom Cruise. Tapi jika kamu pernah menyebutkan ingin melihat film Nicole, Ya Tuhan, semua akan mendengar semua itu," tutupnya, seperti dilansir dari Showbizspy, Jumat (7/9/2012).

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Masih Gemuk, Jessica Simpson Sulit Kecilkan Payudara

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 07:16 AM PDT

Jessica Simpson (Foto: People)

LOS ANGELES - Jessica Simpson masih berusaha menurunkan berat badan pascamelahirkan putri pertamanya, Maxwell Drew Johnson, 1 Mei lalu.

Selama hamil, tunangan dari Eric Johnson ini mengaku selalu mengonsumsi berbagai makanan. Tak heran bila berat badannya melonjak drastis.

"Aku membiarkan diriku memakan apapun yang aku inginkan, karena ini adalah kehamilan pertama, dan aku menikmatinya. Aku tidak tahu jika berat badanku tak berpengaruh pada bayi," ungkap bekas istri Nick Lachey itu.

Setelah melahirkan, dia langsung menerapkan latihan berat menurunkan berat badan dan kembali membentuk tubuhnya. Namun, Jessica mengalami kesulitan mengembalikan ukuran payudaranya.

Jessica pernah dikritik karena membutuhkan waktu lama untuk mengembalikan bentuk tubuhnya, namun hal itu ternyata tak membuatnya sedih.

Penyanyi 32 tahun ini justru ingin menunjukkan, tak mudah untuk kembali ke bentuk tubuh semula. Pasalnya, dia ingin kurus dengan cara yang sehat.

"Tubuhku tidak kembali seperti seorang supermodel. Aku seperti wanita yang lain yang berusaha hidup sehat untuk anak, tunangan, dan dirinya sendiri," tutupnya, seperti dilansir Femalefirst, Rabu (5/9/2012).

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Tom Cruise Bantah Gereja Scientology Gelar Audisi Cari Istri

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 07:14 AM PDT

Tom Cruise (Foto: movielist)

LOS ANGELES - Tom Cruise menyangkal kabar yang menyebutkan gereja Scientology menggelar audisi menemukan istri yang cocok untuknya.

"Cerita dari Vanity Fair itu merupakan pengelungan dari tabloid, mengutip dari 'sumber'. Ini sudah lama, membosankan dan salah," kata Tom, seperti dilansir dari Aceshowbiz, Rabu (5/9/2012).

Kabar mengejutkan lain, artis kelahiran Iran, Nazanin Boniadi, melewati tahap pertama audisi dan pacaran dengan Tom pada November 2004. Hubungan mereka berjalan baik sampai Tom mengeluh tentang Nazanin, termasuk rasa enggannya bermesraan di depan umum.

Nazanin kemudian dikabarkan diusir dari rumah Tom, dipaksa menyikat tolilet dengan sikat gigi, lantai kamar mandi hingga bersih, dan menggali parit saat tengah malam. Sementara gereja menyangkal kabar tersebut, rumor itu semakin diperkuat dengan sumber kedua, Haggis, yang mengatakan cerita tersebut benar.

"Naz merasa malu dengan keterlibatannya yang tanpa disadarinya dalam insiden tersebut, dan dia tidak pernah ingin hal tersebut diketahui orang," ungkapnya.

"Hal terakhir yang dia inginkan adalah publisitas semacam ini, dan aku yakin Naz akan menghadapinya. Aku terkejut gereja memperlakukan umatnya dengan cara ini, namun Naz belum pernah mengatakan dirinya korban. Dia kuat dan tangguh, dan aku sangat bangga menyebutnya teman," tutup Haggis.

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Lupa Cara Urus Bayi, KD Sering Ditegur Raul

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 07:12 AM PDT

KD & Raul Lemos (Foto: ist)

JAKARTA- Tak dipungkiri, anak pasangan Krisdayanti (KD)-Raul Lemos, Arianha Amora Lemos terbilang sangat manja. Namun, Amora hanya manja kepada KD.

"Secara psikologis dia (Amora) manja bahkan enggak pernah lapor ke suami. Dia maunya digendong sama saya," ungkap KD saat ditemui di kediamannya, di kawasan Jeruk Purut, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (5/9/2012).  

Namun, karena sudah lama tidak mengurus anak kecil, KD mengaku suka lupa. Bahkan, dirinya pernah ditegur suami lantaran kaku dalam mengurus dan menggendong anak kecil.

"Apa yah, mungkin Aurel dan Azriel cuma sudah lupa 14 tahun yang lalu sistem ibu anak secara bonding dan natural kebutuhan anak semakin meningkat. Suami suka negur, 'kamu kalau ngurus anak jangan kaku'," tandasnya.

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Ikut Temani Mandi, KD Takjub Tubuh Aurel Berubah

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 07:08 AM PDT

KD & Raul Lemos (Foto: Okezone)

JAKARTA- Pasangan Krisdayanti (KD) dan Raul Lemos mengaku sangat bersyukur. Pasalnya hari ini sang buah hati, Arianha Amora Lemos genap satu tahun.

"Alhamdulillah putri kami Amora genap satu tahun, tidak ada lebih membahagiakan kami orangtua khususnya selalu melimpahkan syukur dan sujud syukur lewat greeting SMS, telefon buat putri kami Alhamdulillah," ujar KD saat ditemui di kediamannya, di kawasan Jeruk Purut, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (5/9/2012).  

Dalam acara ulang tahun itu, hadir pula seluruh anak dari pernikahan KD dengan Anang Hermansyah serta Raul dengan Atta. Serta tak ketinggalan kedua anak Yuni Shara. Bagi keduanya, kehadiran mereka merupakan kado spesial untuk Amora.

"Itu yang spesial (kakaknya datang Aurel, Azriel, Athalia, Dila, Cello dll), itu apa yah lebih suami saya punya konsen untuk menyatukan anak-anak Raul tahu saya sedang hamil dan dia tahu agar saya konsen dengan kehamilan saya, Ziel kan lagi sakit jadi saya yang kasih makan. Dia jemput Dila dan Athalia. Saya senang nemanin Aurel, nemanin mandi bentuk tubuhnya sudah berubah hahaha.. Saya bilang kebahagiaan ini untuk kalian," terangnya.

Raul sendiri senang semua keluarga dapat berkumpul. Dirinya berharap keluarga besarnya diberikan kemudahan. Usia setahun diharapkan Amora dapat memberikan yang terbaik.

"Pada prinsipnya senang keluarga itu berkumpul satu damai itu yang diharapkan kakaknya semua lengkap," timpal Raul.

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Ruhut Sitompul: Amora Satu Tahun, tapi Sangat Seksi

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 07:07 AM PDT

KD-Raul Lemos-Amora (Foto: Maria Cicilia Galuh)

JAKARTA - Ruhut Sitompul terlihat antusias menghadiri pesta ulang tahun anak Krisdayanti (KD)-Raul Lemos, Arianha Amora Lemos. Apalagi yang hadir kebanyakan dari kalangan selebriti.

"Tamu-tamu ramai, banyak kawan-kawan yang datang dari kalangan selebriti. Wulan, Irfan Hakim, banyak, penuh, full," ujar Ruhut saat ditemui di kediaman KD-Raul di kawasan Jeruk Purut, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (5/9/2012). 

Kata Ruhut, suasana tambah meriah dengan dekorasi berwarna merah muda di sepanjang ruangan. Yang membuat Ruhut terkejut, justru ketika melihat Amora yang masih berusia satu tahun namun sudah terlihat seksi.

"Amora satu tahun, tapi sangat seksi, kayaknya segera jadi bintang iklan susu karena montok banget," paparnya.

Namun sayang, pesta ulang tahun itu tertutup untuk media. Padahal banyak selebiriti yang menghadiri pesta ulang tahun yang dimulai sejak pukul 15.00 WIB.

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Siwon & Kyuhyun "Suju" Rebutan Pekerjaan?

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 07:06 AM PDT

Siwon & Kyuhyun Suju (Foto:

SEOUL - Siwon "Suju" ingin menggantikan posisi rekannya, Kyuhyun, menjadi salah satu pembawa acara Golden Fishery-Radio Star.

Para personel Suju seperti Leetuk, Eunhyuk, Siwon, dan Shindong tampil sebagai bintang tamu. Pembawa acara Radio Star yang lain, Kim Gook Jin dan Yoon Jong Shin tampak memberikan sambutan hangat saat bertanya kepada Siwon.

Namun, Kyuhyun justru melihat kehadiran Siwon sebagai sebuah ancaman. Dengan nada bercanda, pria tampan itu mulai menggoda Kyuhyun dan mengatakan dirinya bisa menjadi pembawa acara tersebut tanpa dibayar satu sen pun.

"Aku bisa menjadi pembawa acara disini tanpa dibayar," ungkap Siwon.

Dalam acara tersebut, para personel Suju juga menegaskan bahwa Siwon memiliki kekayaan yang tidak pernah dibayangkan oleh orang lain.

"Siwon lebih kaya dari yang orang bayangkan," ungkap para personel Suju. Demikian seperti dilansir, Rabu (5/9/2012).

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Rezky Aditya Kecelakaan, Banyak Artis Dilarang Naik Motor

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 07:03 AM PDT

Raffi Ahmad (Foto: Galuh)

JAKARTA - Pascakecelakaan motor yang dialami Rezky Aditya, banyak artis mengurungkan niatnya touring dengan sepeda motor.

"Banyak kayak sahabat saya, Irwansyah, tadi mau ikut. Gara-gara kejadian ini (kecelakaan yang dialami Rezky Aditya), Zaskia jadi marah-marah. Tengku Wisnu, Shireen-nya juga ngomel-ngomel, enggak tahu juga dah. Tapi intinya kita lebih hati-hati saja," kata Raffi saat ditemui di Studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Rabu (5/9/2012).
Kata Raffi, hal terpenting saat mengendarai kendaraan ialah menggunakan pengaman. Bahkan, dia tak segan melengkapi penampilan dengan pengaman layaknya robot.

"Saya dalam kota saja pakai keamanan banyak, apalagi keluar kota. Keluar kota saya kayak robot, dari atas sampai bawah saya amanin," tandasnya.

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Kristen Stewart Didepak dari Tur Promo Twilight?

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 06:45 PM PDT

Kristen Stewart (Foto: wenn)

LOS ANGELES- Kristen Stewart dikabarkan didepak dari artis yang ikut menjalani tur promosi sekuel The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2. Sebagai gantinya, Kristen akan digantikan bintang Twilight yang lain, Ashley Greene.

Menurut seorang sumber, pihak studio telah memutuskan Kristen dan Robert Pattinson tidak akan kembali bersama-sama untuk promosi film pada bulan November. Semua wawancara dan penampilan saat promosi akan dialihkan kepada Ashley.

Keputusan itu tentu tak lepas dari pengkhianatan Kristen terhadap Robert. Sejak perselingkuhannya dengan Rupert Sanders terbongkar, hubungan Kristen dan Robert makin renggang. Pihak studio takut hal itu akan membuat suasana menjadi canggung ketika mereka tampil bersama.

Padahal, dalam promosi tentu dibutuhkan sebuah gimmick yang menarik agar orang mau menonton film. Sejak terlibat skandal selingkuh, Kristen juga dikabarkan didepak dari premiere filmnya yang lain, Cali. Demikian dikutip Hollyscoop, Senin (3/9/2012).

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Rezky Aditya's father Admit No Wear a helmet when the accident

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 09:18 AM PDT

Rezky Aditya (Foto: Ist.)

JAKARTA -Father Trijogo Dratjatmoko Rezky Aditya, admitted her daughter not wearing a helmet when the motor accident in the Street, South Jakarta, Fatmawati yesterday morning.
"I think he (Rezky) wear a helmet because he enggak want to take ATM only. But I don't know yet. The distance is only 500-1000 meters. In the area, "Frank Trijogo Fatmawati when encountered in the hospital Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, Friday (2/9/2012).
To date the conditions began to improve Rezky. Trijogo confirmed that his son did not have a comma as reported so far.
"While this Rezky in good condition. Speak, could the discussion. He ngadepinnya quiet. The news he was comatose, the doctor told me Nah he enggak comma. Still good. If you see people already negor name. On CT scan there is indeed little flecks in the head, "he asserted.
Because the condition is improving, Rezky family decided to cancel the surgery team doctor Rezky RSPI.
"Nah I think, so the operation because it has been improved. Just wait Rezky recovered aja. But still continues, "he asserts observation.

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Rezky Aditya Tak So Surgery Team Doctor RSPI

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 09:16 AM PDT

Rezky Aditya (Foto: Johan Sompotan/okezone)

JAKARTA -Pascakecelakaan motor, Rezky Aditya continues to fade physically recovered. To a team of doctors hospital in Pondok Indah (RSPI) which handles, one Dr. Djoko Riadi SP. B.S., confirmed no action would do major surgery to the actor.
"His condition is aware of the full, and there were no defects and neurological functions well, buildup, a CT scan is good, there enggak broken skull. Indeed left clavicle, abrasions do not longer going to move in space Rezky ordinary, "said Djoko when found in RSPI, South Jakarta, Friday (2/9/2012).
Djoko also shook off that there was blood in the fluid head Rezky.  "Nah right, everyone had, just need to care, normal flawless. No neurosurgery, collarbone by orthopaedic surgeons, there are mounting pen, when it's good, some days more. Clavicle fracture, orthopedic surgery and will be dealt with, "he explained.
Rezky had an accident with a single motor gede dikendarainya yesterday morning. SOAP star's daughter who Exchanged it had undergone treatment in RS Fatmawati before moved to RSPI.

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Glenn & Chelsea Olivia Rezky Aditya Are Also Prohibited Meet

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 09:15 AM PDT

Chelsea Olivia (Foto: Johan Sompotan/okezone)

JAKARTA -soap opera Actor Glenn Alinskie confessed to knowing his new Rezky Aditya had an accident in the early hours. Padalah, Rezky had an accident while riding a motorcycle single gede yesterday morning.
"My last morning hour 1 hour 2 new hearings. Because my BB to death so fitting home filming enggak heard the news. Hence directly here (Rezky daulate), "said Glenn then found in Hospital Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, Friday (2/9/2012).
While the beloved Chelsea Olivia figure out Glenn, Rezky crash through a Twitter account.
"I'm from Twitter, I've been messing with same Rezky, anyone heard yet, nanya Rezky accident. Keep I thinkers, ha! seriously, I'm also long lost contacts, the first one I Rezky contact is Glenn, Glenn also die turned out BB, continue to ask friends, many of whom know. Nah Finally in the same confirmation that same friend also near Rezky, "Chelsea's story.
Unfortunately when it arrived at the hospital, the two can't meet Rezky. Their fate is similar to the Aura of love. The family already prohibit Rezky guests who want to membesuk.
"Got to see, because Enggak closed, because too much is, he should break ditjen pajak," she said.
Both can only pray in order to get well soon and could Rezky administering its activities again.
"Best wishes for a speedy recovery, secure-safe, fast rolling again with my play again," hope Glenn is diamini Chelsea.

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Agnes Monica & Rezky Aditya Much Joking in the patient Room

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 09:14 AM PDT

Agnes Monica besuk Rezky Aditya (Foto: Egie Guzman)

JAKARTA -Agnes Monica that take the time to membesuk Rezky Aditya RS in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, to speak if it could've been joking Rezky ria now.
"Joking joking-she wrote (Rezky) earlier on in. I told kan, idly banget lo riding motorcycles wearing helmets. Nah He said if wear a helmet visible face later enggak. Later there was the familiar, enggak hahaha, "said Agnes when encountered in the hospital Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, Friday (2/9/2012).
Agnes herself has not been able to speak, not too much chatting with actor has ever been reported dating him. Bearing in mind the need to rest a lot. Rezky
"I'm the hell Nah too many nanya. His Chin was injured. Only his son Justin and Rezky right kicks. (Motorcycle Accident) enggak taken seriously just as he is, he's joking joking-inside. We were also surprised. Was already worry him why-why, in fact he merely, "bercandaan sambungnya.
Agnes also claims to be the mother requested to say directly to Rezky Rezky in order to sell the newly purchased motor to cede it.
"Mama Said to us, Rezky bilangin there to have that motor Rezky jualin same jetski, hahaha" bebernya.

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Rezky Aditya Just Bought A Motorcycle Accident Shortly Gede

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 09:12 AM PDT

Nikita Willy (Foto: Okezone)

JAKARTA -Nikita Willy people close to after playing with my Rezky Aditya in the soap opera, and daughter Exchanged Yusra & Yumna. Nikita knows when purchasing new Rezky gede, but soon had an accident on the Road solo Fatmawati, South Jakarta, yesterday morning.
Nikita knows Rezky accident also yesterday after got word from a friend. Of course, as a friend he was going to take the daulate Rezky now hospitalized Pondok Indah (RSPI). Prior to RSPI, Rezky briefly hospitalized Fatmawati.
"I just found out yesterday. The Shooting. During the year. Pingin nengok there. But done filming hours 1 morning. Maybe later filming done quick will pas nengokin, "said Nikita as found in RCTI Studio, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Monday (2/9/2012).
As a friend who already knew for 1.5 years, said Nikita, Rezky indeed recently bought a motorcycle. Unfortunately, when Nikita see Rezky rarely wear helmets motorcycle ride.
"He just bought the motor gede. He's my guy likes to be stoic. Enggak wear helmets or anything, "he asserts.

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Rezky Aditya Natural Finger Broken Shoulder Blade &

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 09:10 AM PDT

Rezky Aditya (Foto: Ist.)

JAKARTA Rezky Aditya experienced accident-crash a single motorbike. He suffered bleeding in the brain as articulated Agnes Monica. In addition, this handsome actor also experienced broken finger and shoulder blades.
Rezky Trijogo Drajatmoko father, tells the story of his son suffered a broken finger, so too the bone belikatnya.
"Only a broken left index finger, right shoulder blade was broken," said father Trijogo Dratjatmoko, Rezky when encountered in the hospital Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, Friday (2/9/2012).
Doket team was willing to take action RSPI to Rezky last night, but see conditions not possible then Rezky, team doctors finally put it off.
"The plan would surgery Saturday at 19: 00. But when it comes, see Anaesthesiologist since its arguably crappy, like sleeping, but I know this is not sleep, it hurts. CT scans, dijadwalin 11 hours during the morning, the same hour 6 pm, "brightening.
Trijogo added, his son's memories, resulting in decreased operating should be postponed. Afraid of unwanted things happen then decided to move the family to the ICU room Rezky.
"11 Hours, see the conditions decided against surgery, but decreased consciousness, there is a discernible decline in memory. Enggak would be. Rather than risk we moved to ICU, there are actions to be treated first, within half an hour it could talk. The ICU is prevention, "he explained.

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Aura Kasih Rezky Aditya Hearing Shock Coma

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 09:08 AM PDT

Aura Kasih besuk Rezky Aditya (Foto: Egie Gusman/okezone)

JAKARTA -Singer Aura Kasih confessed shock when I heard the news and shocked Rezky Aditya suffered a coma single driving motor pascakecelakaan gede in the Way Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan.
"Anyone is sure to shock, let alone friends and was shocked. Shock, coma, asked again kok enggak kok, thank God not to comma, shocked, "said Aura when encountered in the hospital Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, Friday (2/9/2012).
"Let's Fuck" chanter that just found out when buying a new Rezky have motor gede.
"Just found out he had a motor (Rezky), rarely met as well. Maybe he's kecapekan (eventually crash). By car it can, "he said of a collision.
As a woman who reported her beloved Rezky, Aura hoping to heal and get Rezky reintegrate activity.
"Prayer let speedy recovery, recover, and return berkegiatan. Haven't seen, because longer sleep. Insha Allah, "harapnya recovered.
Aura carries fruits while out in the soap opera star Yusra & Yumna. Unfortunately he was not allowed to enter by families because Rezky too tired to receive visits from his family and companions.

(tre) mobile Enjoy your mobile phone news at terikini pass & for BlackBerry

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Posted: 15 Aug 2012 04:41 AM PDT

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Posted: 07 Aug 2012 12:50 PM PDT

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The Pestol – Hangin Out

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 11:49 AM PDT

Dnervous – Bisikanmu

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 05:46 AM PDT

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Posted: 07 Aug 2012 02:45 AM PDT

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Andity – Saat Kau Pergi

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 01:44 AM PDT

Case 15 – Tunjukkan Dan Buktikan

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 01:43 AM PDT

Maria Shandi – Away In A Manger

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 11:42 PM PDT


Maria Shandi – Away In A Manger is a post from: Mp3 download lagu gratis lirik lagu indonesia download free music indonesia

True Worshippers – Bersorak Sorai

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 11:41 PM PDT

True Worshippers
Key = G
Tempo 178
Intro :
G C Em Dsus4 (x2)
Verse :
G Am7 C D
Bersorak-sorai muliakan nama-Nya
G Am7 C
Dia berperang ganti kita
G Am7 C D
Bertepuk tangan muliakan nama-Nya
G Am7 C
Dia s'lamatkan jiwa kita
Pre-chorus :
D Em
Satu-satunya penebus
Kalahkan maut
Bangkit dan hidup
Chorus :
G D7 Em7
Tuhan yang memb'ri kemenangan
CM7 G Em7 F D
Bersama kita di dalam kita
G D7 Em7
Masuk dalam kemuliaan-Nya
Dia perlindungan dan pengharapan
Ending :
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True Worshippers – Bersorak Sorai is a post from: Mp3 download lagu gratis lirik lagu indonesia download free music indonesia

D’Masiv – Jelaskan Statusmu

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 07:40 PM PDT

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D’Masiv – Jelaskan Statusmu is a post from: Mp3 download lagu gratis lirik lagu indonesia download free music indonesia

Nudist Island – Youre So Down

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 06:39 PM PDT

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How I supposed to
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Make you ok
Loosing someone
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Nudist Island – Youre So Down is a post from: Mp3 download lagu gratis lirik lagu indonesia download free music indonesia


Posted: 15 Aug 2012 04:41 AM PDT


Cinema 21 Ajak Nobar Anak Yatim Dalam Rangka Memperingati HUT Ke-25

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 07:20 AM PDT

Jakarta – Pada hari Minggu tanggal 5 Agustus 2012 lalu, Cinema 21 menyelenggarakan Nonton Bareng Anak Yatim yang bertempat di Empire XXI, BIP Bandung dalam rangka bulan suci Ramadhan serta...

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Akhirnya Robert Pattinson Keluar dari Tempat Persembunyiannya

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 07:19 AM PDT

Los Angeles – Pada hari Sabtu tanggal 4 Agustus 2012 lalu, Aktor Robert Pattinson akhirnya keluar dari tempat persembunyian. Sebuah bar yang terletak di Ojai, California yang bernama Deer...

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Psy Membeli 30 Ribu Kopi Album Yang berjudul ‘Gangnam Style’

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 07:19 AM PDT

Jakarta - Si ‘Oppa Gangnam Style’ Psy telah berjanji akan membeli sendiri album keenamnya yang berjudul 'Psy's Best 6th’. Rupanya ia tidak main-main dengan janjinya...

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Surat Cerai Palsu Calon Suami Nunung Masih Suami Orang

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 06:40 AM PDT

Iyan yang merupakan calon suami Nunung dituduh memalsukan akta cerai oleh Dewi Vistianti, mantan istrinya. Dan jika tuduhan itu terbukti, berarti Iyan masih berstatus sebagai suami Dewi...

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KPI Layangkan Teguran Untuk Inbox dan Ustad Solmed

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 06:29 AM PDT

KPI atau Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia kembali melayangkan tegurannya untuk sebuah acara di media TV. Kali ini, acara televisi yang mendapatkan teguran adalah acara musik Inbox yang...

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Istri Dik Doank Mengaku Dipoligami?

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 06:12 AM PDT

Kabar mengajutkan kembali datang dari dunia selebriti indonesia, istri Dik Doank yaitu Myrna mengaku bahwa dia telah dipoligami oleh suaminya dan sepertinya itu sudah sejak lama. Kabar...

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Abdul Latief (Adul)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 11:23 PM PDT

Adul yang bernama lengkap Abdul Latief, pria mungil yang lahir  pada 8 Juli 1983. Pria satu ini dikenal sebagai presenter televisi dan aktor. Ia memulai kariernya dalam dunia peran dengan...

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Ichsan Akbar Beralih menjadi Penyanyi, Setelah 6 Tahun menjadi Presenter

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 11:17 PM PDT

Ichsan Akbar mencoba peruntungannya  di dunia tarik suara. Ia melebarkan sayapnya di dunia entertainment setelah berkiprah selama enam tahun menjadi presenter, penyiar radio, presenter TV....

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Di Thor 2, Malekith Si Terkutuk Menjadi Musuh

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 11:17 PM PDT

Melekith si terkutuk atau yang memiliki julukan the accursed merupakan musuh baru yang tak kalah berat dengan Loki, yang harus dihadapi si Dewa Petir 'Thor'. Pelaksanaan Casting untuk...

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HanCinema Daily News

Posted: 15 Aug 2012 04:41 AM PDT

HanCinema Daily News

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New and upcoming DVD releases - 2012/08/06

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

New Korean dramas starting today (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

[Video] Added Korean drama 'Live in Style' episode 34 (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Added episode 34 for the Korean drama 'Live in Style' Watch on DramaFever "Live in Style" (2011) Directed by Hong Chang-wook Written by Moon Yeong-nam Network : SBS With Lee Hyo-choon, Son Hyeon-joo, Choi Soo-rin, Kim Hee-jeong, Yoon Se-in, Park Jeong-soo,... 50 episodes - Sat, Sun 21:50 Synopsis A follow up of drama "Scent of a Woman" Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2011/09/17 Episo

Hard training in the heat (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Pictures of a barehanded fight were posted online in the heat. Lee Joon-ki who plays the role of magistrate Eun-oh who can see ghosts in the drama "Arang and the Magistrate pulled off an action scene wearing a Hanbok. Having shown what he's got in "Iljimae", "Fly, Daddy, Fly" and others, this time the action will be upgraded a tone. It is said that Lee Joon-ki knows what he's doing when it co

Koo Hye-seon with longer hair with dog Gamja (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Actress Koo Hye-seon took a picture with companion dog Gamja. Koo posted on her Twitter on the 2nd, "You've been stalking me, you lean on my shoulder, this man". In the two pictures posted, she is posing with her face close to the dogs and showing off longer hair than she had when she did the SBS drama "Take Care of Us, Captain". Netizens are jealous of her pure image without make up and brig

Park Sin-hye's team outfit (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Actress Park Sin-hye revealed her team shirt. She posted on her Twitter on the 30th "This the first shoot wearing the team uniforms from daddy Yong-gu. Thank you!" In the picture is Park Sin-hye posing in a yellow shirt with her head tilted to the side. The way she has her long hair down makes her look feminine and bright. Meanwhile, Netizen's say, "I am jealous", "She looks good in a yellow

Kim Sung-soo acts with Yeom Jeong-ah in 8 years (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Actor Kim Sung-soo is acting with actress Yeom Jeong-ah for the fist time in 8 years in the new SBS drama "My Love, Butterfly Lady". He is starring in "My Love, Butterfly Lady" as Kim Jeong-wook, Nam Na-bi's husband. Kim Jeong-wook is an elite with a handsome face from Berkley's but falsely marries Nam Na-bi to find the documents for his family's gravesite. Yeom Jeong-ah is likely to play the

IU dreams of becoming the next actress (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Love call from 10 dramas Competes with "Suzy" from "Big" Singer "IU" challenges to become the next romantic comedy queen (aka ro-co queen). According to her agency on the 2nd, "IU" has currently been offered 10 dramas most of which are romantic comedies. There is a high possibility of "IU" starring in a romantic comedy as it suits her cheerful and pleasant character very well. If she decides

Jo Yeo-jeong and Kim Kang-woo start off at 9.8% (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

KBS 2TV "Haeundae Lovers" started off nicely with almost 10%. According to AGB Nielsen Media Research on the 7th, "Haeundae Lovers" on the 6th rated 9.8%. This is 1.3% lower than the final episode of the previous drama "Big". This day's drama drew the meeting of Lee Tae-seong (Kim Kang-woo) and Ko So-ra (Jo Yeo-jeong). Soyeon from T-Ara also attempted at her first acting challenge on t

"A Gentleman's Dignity" cancelled for two weeks (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

SBS TV drama "A Gentleman's Dignity" has been cancelled again this week with just the nineteenth and twentieth episodes to go. Viewers can't help but be disappointed at the notice that "A Gentleman's Dignity" will be cancelled once again this week for the London Olympics. The scheduled broadcast of the drama "A Gentleman's Dignity" will be cancelled for the live broadcast of the London Olympic

Ji Hyeon-woo spends last day with Yoo In-na (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Actor Ji Hyeon-woo spent the last day before his National Service with Yoo In-na. The two enjoyed each other's company on the 6th in Seoul. This final date was even more longing since she would not be there to see him off on the date of his admittance. Yoo In-na's agency stated, "Yoo has decided not to go see him off as she may cause problems for the fans". "She thinks it's the fans and Ji H

[Spoiler] "Haeundae Lovers" Jo Yeo-jeong becomes a dancer (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Jo Yeo-jeong became a dancer. On the episode of the KBS 2TV drama "Haeundae Lovers", Ko So-ra (Jo Yeo-jeong) danced a sexy dance. Ko So-ra went out to find her close friend Lee Gwan-soon (Soyeon) who was working in a night club. When they faced each other, Gwan-soon accidentally spilled expensive whiskey on a customer. Angered, Ko So-ra yelled at the man for touching her friend like that but

[Spoiler] "Golden Time" Hwang Jeong-eum's fathers' death revealed (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

The reason for Hwang Jeong-eum's father's death was revealed. On the ninth episode of the drama "Golden Time" on the 6th, Kang Jane had a memorial service for her dead father. She heard on this day, how her father died. Jane's father Kang Dae-jae (Jang Yong) worked on the transplant team in the Sejoong Hospital. However, he was chased to the US when he continuously failed in transplanting kidn

Filming for 'Running Man' begins with U.S. studio support (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Sin Ha-gyoon Filming for the Korean movie "Running Man" began on July 28, and the film is scheduled to hit theaters next year. The movie drew a lot of attention after the Korean operation of 20th Century Fox decided to invest in the film, marking the first time a Hollywood film distributer has made a financial commitment of this sort to a Korean production".The Korean movie centers on an ordina

CNBlue's Lee Jung-shin to debut as an actor in 'My Daughter So-yeong' (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Lee Jung-shin of boy band CNBlue has been cast to play a main character in the upcoming KBS drama "My Daughter So-yeong".The drama is set to be broadcast after "You Who Rolled in Unexpectedly" on weekends. It will be directed by Yoo Hyeon-gi, who previously worked on "Master of Study" and "Brain", and written by So Hyeon-kyeong, who also authored "49 Days" and "Shining Inheritance". The drama re

Actor Lee Joon-ki also a stuntman (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

MBC's "Arang and the Magistrate" unveiled teasers of its male lead Lee Joon-ki where the actor escaped a dangerous situation on horseback. In the stills, Lee is said to shoot the horseback scene himself with no stunt double. He also performed martial arts for a scene in the drama".Lee Joon-ki was good at martial arts", said a representative of the show. "He is not only good at action scenes but

Jang Geun-seok wows music festival (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Jang Geun-seok performed for an audience of 30,000 last Saturday at the Ultra Music Festival Korea 2012.Team H, a project group formed by Jang and his musical partner Big Brother, were invited as a special guest for the electronic music festival held at Olympic Stadium, southern Seoul.They performed six songs for 30 minutes specially arranged for the festival.An official YouTube channel of the f

[Spoiler] Added episode 21 captures for the Korean drama 'Dr. JIN' (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Added episode 21 captures for the Korean drama "Dr. JIN" (2012)Directed by Han HeuiWritten by Han Ji-hoon, Jeon Hyeon-jinNetwork : MBCWith Song Seung-heon, Lee Beom-soo, Park Min-yeong, Kim Jae-joong, Lee So-yeon, Jin I-han,...22 episodes - Sat, Sun 21:50Previously known as "Time Slip Dr. Jin" (and#53440;and#51076;and#49836;and#47549; and#45797;and#53552; and#51652;, Ta-im-seul-lib Dak-teo-jin)SynopsisB

[Spoiler] Added episode 47 and 48 captures for the Korean drama 'My Husband Got a Family' (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Added episode 47 and 48 captures for the Korean drama "My Husband Got a Family" (2012)Directed by Kim Hyoung-seokWritten by Park Ji-eunNetwork : KBSWith Kim Nam-joo, Yoo Joon-sang, Yoon Yeo-jeong, Kang Boo-ja, Jang Yong, Yang Hee-kyeong,...50 episodes - Sat, Sun 19:55Previously known as "Unexpected You" on HanCinemaSynopsisNow he has a family! Now she has in-laws! Grandmother-in-law, mothe

[Video] Added teaser and new images for the upcoming Korean drama "May Queen" (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Added teaser and images for the upcoming Korean drama "May Queen" (2012)Directed by Baek Ho-minWritten by Son Yeong-mokNetwork : MBCWith Han Ji-hye, Kim Jae-won, Jae Hee, Lee Deok-hwa, Yang Mi-kyeong, Kim Gyoo-cheol,...32 episodes - Sat, Sun 21:50SynopsisA success story drama about characters related to ships.Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2012/08/18 More

[Video] Added poster, new stills and 4th teaser for the upcoming Korean drama "Faith" (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Added poster, new stills and 4th teaser for the upcoming Korean drama "Faith" "Faith" (2012)Directed by Kim Jong-hakWritten by Song Ji-naNetwork : SBSWith Lee Min-ho, Kim Hee-seon, Yoo Oh-seong, Lee Philip, Ryoo Deok-hwan, Park Se-yeong,...24 episodes - Mon, Tue 20:55SynopsisThe romance between a warrior

Korean drama starting today 2012/08/06 in Korea (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Korean drama starting today 2012/08/06 in Korea "Haeundae Lovers" (2012)Directed by Park Jin-seok, Song Hyeon-wookWritten by Hwang Eun-kyeongNetwork : KBSWith Kim Kang-woo, Jo Yeo-jeong, Jeong Seok-won, Nam Gyoo-ri, Kang Min-kyeong, Choi Sang-hoon,...16 episodes - Mon, Tue 21:55SynopsisA romantic comedy happening in Haeundae, Busan, where an elite prosecutor who lost his memory meets

Added new poster and stills for the upcoming Korean movie "The Ugly Duckling" (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Added new poster and stills for the upcoming Korean movie "The Ugly Duckling" (2012)Directed by Kwak Gyeong-taekWith Kim Joon-goo, Oh Dal-soo, Jo Ji-hwan, Moon Won-joo, Yang Joong-kyeong, Ko Yeong-il,...SynopsisA military story even soldiers don't know about?The growth story of clumsy Yook-bang in the year 1987!With a father who lost his mind from torture and a mother who left for America...23-y

Added new poster and stills for the upcoming Korean movie "Wedding Scandal" (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Added new poster and stills for the upcoming Korean movie "Wedding Scandal" (2012)Directed by Sin Dong-yeopWith Kim Min-joon, Kwak Ji-min, Lee Se-rang, Lee Soo-ho,...SynopsisWho were you? Oops! I forgot the wedding!One day, Jeong-eun (Kwak Ji-min) shows up in front of jobless youth Gi-seok (Kim Min-joon) who's only specification is his family register. She abruptly asks him about his the marriag

Ko Doo-sim graces 'Dance Lesson' (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Actress Ko Doo-sim, right, plays the role of retired teacher Lily and actor Jeon Ji-hyeon her dance instructor Michael in "Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks" by Richard Alfieri. The play runs through Sept. 2 at Doosan Art Center Yonkang Hall in central Seoul. / Courtesy of CJ Eandamp;M Veteran actress Ko Doo-sim returned to the theater after a five-year break, dancing to her heart's desire in the pl

Art and Culture (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

It's the start of a new week and we have our Michelle Kim here with us to give us the latest arts and culture events for the day. She'll tell us about an exhibition by Korean installation artist in London and the remake of a classic action film. Hello Michelle [Reporter : ] Hello Conn-young So what do you have for us today [Reporter : ] Artist Kim Beom has an exhibition at the Hayward

Forbes Ranks Kim Yu-na as 7th Highest-Paid Female Athlete (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Kim Yu-na Figure skating star Kim Yu-na was ranked as the world's seventh highest-paid female athlete by Forbes on Saturday. According to the U.S. business magazine, Kim earned US$9 million over the past year".Kim has maintained her income as the headliner in the All That Skate figure skating show as well as a bevy of endorsement deals in her native Korea. She played a key role in attract

Today's Photo: August 6, 2012 (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Korean fans root for the Korean team in the quarterfinals of the Olympic football tournament in Cardiff's Millennium Stadium in Wales early Sunday.

Agency CEO apologizes to Hwa-young (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

"T-ara" Kim Kwang-soo, the CEO of the Core Contents Media, issued a handwritten apology on Saturday about its girl group "T-ara", which has been under fire over rumors one of its members had been bullied The nine-member girl group was in the center of controversy recent weeks over rumors that Hwa-young had been bullied by group members.Kim last week announced that his agency would terminate its

CNN takes note of 'Gangnam Style' (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Psy Rapper Psy has made his way across the globe with his latest single, "Gangnam Style".CNN covered the amusing music video for the new single on Friday, saying it is "really getting a lot of reactions in New York".The news channel also noted the music video has won praise from music celebrities such as T-Pain and Robbie Williams and racked up 11 million views on YouTube in two weeks. The news

MBC dramas to air in Latin America (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

MBC drama "Princess Hours" Korean broadcasting company MBC said the dramas "The First Shop of Coffee Prince" and "Princess Hours" will be broadcast in Latin America. Paraguay's Red Guaraniwill air "Coffee Prince" starting next month and "Princess Hours" in January. SERTV, Panama's government television network, started broadcasting "Princess Hours" a week ago, according to the Central and Sout

Liberation Day concert adds K-pop (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra performs the Beethoven symphony cycle under the baton of Daniel Barenboim during last year's "DMZ Peace Concert" on the country's Liberation Day at Imjingak in Paju, Gyeonggi. [JoongAng Ilbo] If Aug. 15 - Korea's Liberation Day - has become just another day off work, maybe this is the year to get back in the celebratory mood by attending the "DMZ Peace Concert"

A Tech-filled K-pop and Art Festival Rocks Seoul (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

S.M. Entertainment, which represents K-pop favorites like BoA, Shinee, Girls Generation and more, will hold the S.M.ART EXHIBITION at southern Seoul's COEX exhibition center from August 10 to 19. According to the Korea Herald, it is the first interactive entertainment exhibition in the world and will showcase "various types of entertainment content" through art and cutting-edge technology. S.M.

2012 Asia Song Festival commemorates the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

2012 Asia Song Festival Official Poster (image courtesy of KOFICE) Asia's best pop music festival 'Asia Song Festival' is on its 9th year and will be held at the Expo Pop Festival stage on August 4. The most popular 14 artists from 6 countries and other parts of the world will participate in this event. From Korea, Kim Hyun-joong, MBLAQ, Tiger JK andamp; tYoonmirae, Sistar, TEEN TOP, ZE:A - Child

[HanCinema's Film Review] Korean Weekend Box Office 2012.08.03 ~ 2012.08.05 (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

HanCinema's Korean Box Office Review (2012.08.03~ 2012.08.05) It's another huge weekend for Choi Dong-hoon's "The Thieves" as it remains the strong favorite among moviegoers. The film managed to add another 2 millions to its opening weekend efforts, placing it as the highest grossing Korean film of the year in just two weeks! "The Thieves" now has a total admissions count of 6,884,211

KARA to release new EP this month (2012/08/06)

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

K-pop girl group KARA announced that it will release the group's fifth EP album at the end of this month. It will be KARA's first release since "Step" last September.Neither KARA nor its agency provided details about the upcoming album, saying only that fans can expect a more mature concept. KARA will focus on its domestic presence after the release of the new album since its members have spent

Movies and dramas updated today 2012/08/06

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Actresses, actors, directors, staff members added today - 2012/08/06

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Sun Woong

Singer, Actor

Korean dramas now airing

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

New pictures (180) added today - 2012/08/06

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

New videos (2) added today - 2012/08/06

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

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